Vaping immediately affects vascular health and oxygen levels, study shows, even without nicotine
CNNCNN — Vaping has an immediate effect on how well the user’s blood vessels work, even if the e-cigarette doesn’t contain nicotine, according to new research. The research – which has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal but is a presentation at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago – showed that using an e-cigarette with or without nicotine also decreased a metric known as venous oxygen saturation, which may mean the person’s lungs were taking in less oxygen. Dr. Albert Rizzo, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association, says the new research adds to the growing body of evidence showing that vaping exposes people to a lot more than harmless water vapor. If vaping is significantly affecting someone’s vascular health, e-cigarette users could then see increased heart attacks, strokes or blood flow issues, Rizzo said.
History of this topic

12-year-old Thai girl battles for life after vaping for 2 years. Can this habit kill you?
12-year-old Thai girl battles for life after vaping for 2 years. Can this habit kill you?
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Research shows vaping may be as bad for the heart as cigarettes
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Insider Q&A: FDA official on vaping’s “promise or peril”
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