This police station in Delhi housed Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh and Rajguru in the 1920s
The HinduInside the bustling lanes of north-east Delhi lies a police station with a storied past. It witnessed thick action during India’s struggle for independence, with political prisoners like Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh, and Rajguru serving detention there at various times. Senior police officers said that in 1928, Sukhdev, a prominent member of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, was arrested and lodged at the Shahdara police station in the aftermath of the assassination of British police officer John Saunders. “During his detention, Sukhdev, like many other political prisoners, faced brutal interrogation methods at the police station. Revolution central The records at Shahdara police station attest to its role as a centre for intense interrogation of revolutionaries of the freedom struggle.