An interview with educators, V. Raghunathan and Meena Raghunathan, on their book about preparing youngsters to face a VUCA world
8 months ago

An interview with educators, V. Raghunathan and Meena Raghunathan, on their book about preparing youngsters to face a VUCA world

The Hindu  

We live in a world that is VUCA. Authored by educators V. Raghunathan and Meena Raghunathan, To Every Parent, To Every School addresses this topic and offers insights and action points meant for students, teachers, parents and educational institutions. It is a pity that such rankings seldom consider stress factors that schools inject into the students, how happy children feel while in the school or how much a school stresses on cooperation as compared to competition between students and other such factors.” Do the book’s insights apply only to children? To inculcate co-operation, we could reward collective as much as individual efforts, institute awards for the most improved child, award socially-conscious or civic-minded children, enhance the importance of group assignments, and so on. A comprehensive approach that emphasises resilience, adaptability, critical thinking, lifelong learning, effective communication, digital literacy, global awareness, financial literacy, and overall well-being will better prepare ourselves and our children.

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