When My 8-Year-Old Said These 5 Horrifying Words, I Had To Change Everything About My Parenting
1 year, 9 months ago

When My 8-Year-Old Said These 5 Horrifying Words, I Had To Change Everything About My Parenting

Huff Post  

The author with her daughter. By the time my daughter was 2 years old, she’d started experiencing anxiety that I believed was related to the back-and-forth of the court-ordered weekly custody schedule. I sought help from professionals, and was given the same message over and over: “…Once ‘school refusal’ starts, no matter what, you must get them into the building, or they will never go back.” I did what I was told and often sat outside the school listening to her screaming with such intensity that my own mental health began to suffer. Photo Courtesy of Amanda Bacon-Davis In January of 2022, my husband and I pulled into the school parking lot, my daughter in the backseat fighting us like her life depended on it, her little arms wrapped around a bar under the front seat so we couldn’t physically move her without hurting her. Amanda Bacon-Davis is a two-time national award-winning author of “This Thing Has A Name,” a children’s book designed to help children and their loved ones identify, normalize and tame anxiety.

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