Lockdown 2.0: How will life be affected? Here's what you need to know in 10 points
India TodayThe government issued a detailed list of directives for Covid-19 management on Wednesday, making face covers mandatory at work and in public places, and announcing bans on spitting and sellling liquour and tobacco. Workplaces have been asked to implement specific measures to contain the spread of the virus, including staggered lunch breaks, a gap of one hour between shifts, and encouraging work-from-home arrangements for some employees, such as senior citizens older than 65. Here's the release detailing the new national directives on Covid-19 management. MHA issues updated consolidated revised guidelines after correcting the date from 20th May to 20th April 2020, on the measures to be taken by Ministries/Departments of Govt of India, State/UT governments & State/UT authorities for the containment of #COVID19 in India.