SC Judges To Contribute Rs. 25,000 Each To Kerala Flood Relief Fund [Read Circular]
Live LawSupreme Court judges are set to contribute Rs. 25,000 each to the Kerala flood relief fund.Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra had earlier today accepted the suggestion made by Attorney General for India KK Venugopal that the fine imposed on one of the litigants be diverted towards relief fund for Kerala.“Kerala has been battered and bruised. Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra had earlier today accepted the suggestion made by Attorney General for India KK Venugopal that the fine imposed on one of the litigants be diverted towards relief fund for Kerala. As per a circular now issued by the Administrative side of the Supreme Court, individual donations would be made towards Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund by all the judges. 25, 000 each for the State of Kerala voluntarily to the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund, Kerala for the said purpose.” The circular directs the judges to issue cheques in favour of “Principal Secretary CMDRF Kerala” and send the same to Mr. Rajesh Kumar Goel, Registrar latest by 4 September.