Cameras to catch drivers on mobile phone and not wearing seatbelts made permanent in Queensland
3 years, 6 months ago

Cameras to catch drivers on mobile phone and not wearing seatbelts made permanent in Queensland


Roadside cameras to detect motorists using mobile phones and people not wearing seatbelts will be rolled out permanently in Queensland within weeks. Key points: It will be illegal for drivers to hold a phone in their hand or have it resting on any part of their body Some of the cameras will be mobile Forty-three people who died in crashes in 2020 were not wearing a seatbelt A six-month trial of fixed and portable cameras in secret locations began in July last year. "Whether you're in Far North Queensland, western Queensland, south-east Queensland, these cameras are coming, and this is a warning," Mr Bailey said. "Look, if the risk of killing somebody isn't enough to get motorists to put down their mobile phones, hopefully a fine of more than $1,000 and four demerits is going to stop it," she said.

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