How to prevent credit card information theft while shopping online?
Live MintSo many banks and fintech organizations are launching new credit cards with each kind of card offering benefits distinct from others. While factors like potential data breaches at your preferred online stores are beyond your influence, you can adopt prudent shopping practices that can thwart unauthorized access to your details and prevent credit card fraud. Listed below are a few suggestions aimed at assisting you in safeguarding your credit card details while engaging in online shopping: Shop only on secure websites The commencement of a web address with “https” signifies the utilization of a secure connection on the website, ensuring the encryption of your data and shielding it from potential interception. Employ these guidelines to assist you in identifying such malicious attempts: Exercise caution towards emails soliciting personal data like passwords, credit card numbers, or Social Security numbers. Do not shop on public Wi-Fi network Public Wi-Fi networks lack security measures, making them susceptible to data interception by hackers, even compromising sensitive information like credit card details.