Netizens roast comedian Vir Das for asking critics to not criticise comics only if they have been a comic themselves
4 years, 7 months ago

Netizens roast comedian Vir Das for asking critics to not criticise comics only if they have been a comic themselves

Op India  

In what came across as the ‘woke’ version of asking people to walk a mile in someone’s shoes before criticising them, standup comic Vir Das on Tuesday took to Twitter to ask people who don’t like jokes to not tell the comedians tha their jokes are lame unless they have written jokes themselves. But I’m pretty sure I speak for many comics when I say: If you’ve never written a joke, stood on a stage, or made a career out of this…spare us your long sanctimonious thesis on what comedy should or shouldn’t be about. — Vir Das June 2, 2020 “If you’ve never written a joke, stood on a stage, or made a career out of this…spare us your long sanctimonious thesis on what comedy should or shouldn’t be about,” he tweeted suggesting the ones who sometimes pay to watch the comedy shows or even watch them by investing their time and energy in it cannot be critical of their jokes if they have not been a comic themselves. I can never say: “If you’ve never narrated a story, stood on a stage, or made a career out of this … spare us your long sanctimonious thesis on what storytelling should or shouldn’t be about.” If we perform for ourselves we can perform in our living rooms.

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