For India’s poor, lockdown policing adds to pandemic hardships
Al JazeeraHawkers, slum dwellers, food couriers and migrant workers bear brunt of pandemic policing as the country struggles to contain a deadly second wave. Poor Indians are bearing the brunt of pandemic policing as the country struggles to contain a deadly second wave of COVID-19 cases by imposing stricter curfew rules and curbs on movement, rights have advocates said. “Our ground experience shows police target the poor, marginalised and those who cannot speak up,” said Dharmendra Kumar, the secretary of Janpahal, a charity that works with street vendors. The independent research body analysed 500 police complaints and 34,000 arrests in Madhya Pradesh state and found officers were using “enormous” discretion in enforcing restrictions. The proportion of cases against pedestrians increased from 50 percent in the first lockdown to 89 percent during the third lockdown, with shopkeepers and street vendors among the largest category of “offenders”, the research found.