Israel appoints commission to review NSO
The HinduIsrael has established a commission to review allegations that the NSO Group’s controversial Pegasus phone surveillance software was misused, the head of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee said on Thursday. “The defence establishment appointed a review commission made up of a number of groups,” lawmaker Ram Ben Barak said. “When they finish their review, we’ll demand to see the results and assess whether we need to make corrections,” the former deputy head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency added. Referring to the government-run Defence Export Controls Agency, Ben Barak said Israel’s priority was “to review this whole matter of giving licences.” Pegasus had “exposed many terror cells”, he said, but “if it was misused or sold to irresponsible bodies, this is something we need to check.” Reporters Without Borders on Wednesday called for a moratorium on cyber surveillance software.