Belgium’s golden boys Hendrickx, Van Doren admit team’s in transition
The HinduThey got together playing for the national youth side, got into the Belgium team at the same time and have been around for more than decade. It’s no surprise that Arthur van Doren and Alexander Hendrickx can complete each other’s sentences as smoothly as they exchange the ball on field, manning the Belgian defence. Sachin Tendulkar gives the ‘Player of the Tournament award’ to Belgium’s Arthur van Doren at the 2018 Men’s Hockey World Cup. The golden generation The two are part of Belgium’s golden generation that has won everything possible – World Cup, Olympics, European Championships – and have more than one medal everywhere. It’s only natural that at some point there is a little switch and a reset and us being a bit senior, we are very happy to be part of that,” Van Doren said.