Astronomers find ‘alien’ asteroids living in our solar system
4 years, 8 months ago

Astronomers find ‘alien’ asteroids living in our solar system


CNN — Scientists In the last few years have studied the first observed interstellar visitors to our solar system. “This enabled asteroids to be pulled from one star system to another.” Namouni and fellow researcher Maria Helena MoreiraMorais at the Universidade Estadual Paulista in Brazil used numerical modeling to simulate the infancy of our solar system and pinpoint the location of the asteroids billions of years ago. The simulation placed the asteroids moving in a perpendicular orbit to the plane where the solar system’s planets and asteroids orbit the sun. “The discovery of a whole population of asteroids of interstellar origin is an important step in understanding the physical and chemical similarities and differences between solar system-born and interstellar asteroids,” Morais said in a statement.”This population will give us clues about the sun’s early birth cluster, how interstellar asteroid capture occurred and the role that interstellar matter had in chemically enriching the solar system and shaping its evolution.” Alien residents Morais also identified an interstellar “immigrant” living in our solar system in 2018. Morais believed that, like the newly discovered alien asteroids, this one was captured during the early stages of our solar system as well.

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