Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation installs traffic signals with Marathi countdown timers
3 years, 1 month ago

Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation installs traffic signals with Marathi countdown timers

Hindustan Times  

The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation has recently installed a few new traffic signals at the APMC market at Vashi, wherein the numbers displayed on the countdown timers appear in Marathi. This is for the first time the motorists in Navi Mumbai have come across such traffic signals that display the countdown numbers in a regional language and not in English. Because of such initiatives, people who do not know the language will also learn it.” Dolly Sharma, 28, a resident of Sanpada, said, “NMMC is promoting Navi Mumbai as a city of international standard. Personally, I found this move a little conservative and inward-looking.” The city traffic department said that the civic body neither informed it nor took its opinion before installing the new signals.

History of this topic

Navi Mumbai civic body installs traffic signals with Marathi countdown timer
3 years, 1 month ago

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