Safety concerns over Telstra coverage in Abrolhos Islands pushes users to Starlink
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Safety concerns over Telstra coverage in Abrolhos Islands pushes users to Starlink


Business operators on a remote island chain earmarked for further development say poor mobile phone reception is putting lives at risk and restricting potential growth. But despite maps from Telstra and other telcos indicating "full" mobile coverage, residents such as Anthony Haygarth say reception remains a massive problem. Telstra, and the WA and Commonwealth governments recently trumpeted improved mobile coverage on the islands after the installation of a $242,000 mobile tower last year. Telstra defends service Telstra regional general manager Boyd Brown said funding for additional phone towers on the islands had not been approved. "Yes there is mobile coverage, but if you’re travelling or doing business at other islands, for work or pleasure, just make sure you have investigated what options are with you before you go because you can expect that mobile coverage is extremely limited," Mr Brown said.

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