Violent offenders to be banned from West Australian entertainment precincts following death of Giuseppe Raco
2 years, 6 months ago

Violent offenders to be banned from West Australian entertainment precincts following death of Giuseppe Raco


People convicted of violent offences in Perth entertainment precincts face being banned from entering those areas for up to five years under new legislation to be introduced next month. Key points: Offences covered by the law will include murder, rape and drink spiking A breach could be met with five years in prison or a $12,000 fine Police will also have the power to exclude people for 'anti-social behaviour' The state government says much of Northbridge, Fremantle, Scarborough, Hillarys, Mandurah, and a large swathe of the Perth CBD including Elizabeth Quay will be included on advice from WA police. Bans for 'antisocial behaviour' A government spokesman said police could also order someone to be excluded from a PEP for six months, and "further apply for an order for up to five years". Harsher penalties 'defy logic' In a statement, the government said the laws would aim to "protect people going out for a good time, creating safer precincts for everyone". But criminal defence lawyer Laura Willox questioned how useful banning offenders would be, saying it "defied logic" to claim they would prevent crime without addressing the underlying issues that lead to offences.

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