In the run for social harmony, Samathuvapurams miss out on basic amenities
The HinduFor the cause of equality and social harmony among people of various castes and religions, Periyar Niniavu Samathavupurams were established since 1998 in the State by the then Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi. “Since the document reads as ‘manaivari thoraya patta’ which means land given from government, it is rejected as invalid for procuring loans,” he laments. In the same hamlet, another resident A. Kalimuthu, 60, says that since the Samathauvapuram did not have a storm water drainage facility, rainwater flowing from the nearby hills washes away soil. “Since the plan to make Kutladampatti waterfalls a tourist attraction has not taken off, many, unable to create a livelihood in this location, shifted to nearby towns like Palamedu and Arittapatti,” he adds. “Since we are not businesspeople or government staff, we cannot afford such a huge amount for water alone,” she says.
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