If WW3 breaks out, I am looking at the frozen battlefield where it will be fought: MailOnline's CHRIS PLEASANCE witnesses NATO's awesome firepower on Finland's icy Russian frontier
Daily MailWith an ear-splitting whoosh and a bright flash of light, an American M270 rocket battery sends a volley of missiles streaking into the -7C air. We're on NATO's newest frontier, an 830-mile stretch of border the alliance now shares with Vladimir Putin after Finland abandoned decades of neutrality to join the military pact, fearing an invasion. M270A2 Multiple Launch Rocket System fires rounds during Dynamic Front 25 'It is obvious to everyone here that, if Putin does decide to take on NATO, frozen landscapes such as this could soon become battlefields' Dramatic video shows the launch of rounds on November 17 during the NATO drills A tank taking part in the joint NATO drills at Ravajarvi Training Area, Rovaniemi, Finland That's harder than it sounds. Everyone here, from generals down to conscripts, insists that Russia has nothing to do with what's going on If Putin does decide to take on NATO, frozen landscapes could soon become battlefields NATO 's newest frontier is an 830-mile stretch of border the alliance now shares with Vladimir Putin after Finland abandoned decades of neutrality to join the military pact British troops we spoke to - live-firing the Archer for the first time after the MoD bought it off Sweden last year - were singing its praises. The Americans were showing off the M270A2, a slightly different kind of artillery that fires rockets rather than shells There are currently dozens of these in use by Kyiv, and very likely Zelensky's generals put them to use earlier this week sending ATACMS missiles into Russia - the first time a long-range Western missile has been used in this way.
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