Guide dogs 'don't get social distancing' during coronavirus restrictions
ABCWhen COVID-19 restrictions were introduced, Australians put up tape markers, signs and placards to implement the 1.5 metre social distancing rules. Key points: We are being reminded that guide dogs are not trained to identify crosses on the floor for social-distancing measures One guide dog owner explains the dogs are trained to stand right behind someone in a queue because that is the safest option Guide Dogs Victoria want us to allow extra space for blind and low-vision community members while social-distancing measures are in place But for Ballarat's Janet Carter and her guide dog, Dash, these visual cues do not work. According to Guide Dogs Victoria CEO Karen Hayes guide dogs are trained to lead their handler right up to the location or object they're trying to find and social distancing has introduced a new challenge for blind and low-vision Australians. Guide Dogs Victoria CEO Karen Hayes says social distancing has presented an unexpected challenge for the well trained dogs. "Our guide dogs are beautiful, well trained, highly skilled animals that bring so much safety and independence to the handler's life," Ms Hayes said.
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