Vegan cheese that tastes like cheese? These startups may have cracked the code
SalonIn a video uploaded to YouTube last year, home cook and food influencer Alexa Santos scores a wheel of brie, drizzles it with honey, and flips it into a hot cast-iron pan. Inja Radman, co-founder and chief science officer at New Culture, said, "We're very convinced we can eventually fully displace animal-derived cheese." New Culture's involves using precision fermentation to grow casein, a dairy protein found in milk that Radman said is "the holy grail" for making cheese stretch, ooze, and melt when heated. Unlike past nut-based cheeses, Silverton said, New Culture's mozzarella melts smoothly, and has "that little bit of stretch, kind of that creaminess" that you want on pizza. If New Culture's path toward convincing vegan cheese literally starts with casein, Climax's works backward from the magic ingredient.