Saturn moon Titan's wonderfully wierd terrain and possibility of life make it so very Earth-like
5 years, 4 months ago

Saturn moon Titan's wonderfully wierd terrain and possibility of life make it so very Earth-like


In the same way that Earth has a water cycle, an atmosphere, dunes, plains and lakes, the frigid moon of Saturn, Titan, has methane cycles, liquid lakes, and a diverse terrain spanning its entire surface. It shows vast plains, dunes of frozen organic material, lakes of liquid methane, illuminating an exotic world considered a strong candidate in the search for life beyond our home planet in the solar system. While water rains down from clouds and fills the Earth’s rivers, lakes, and oceans, things work a little differently on Titan, where large clouds spew hydrocarbons — in liquid form. The geological map that Cassini has helped piece together comes seven years before the launch of the Dragonfly mission, which is also hosting a multi-rotor drone to study how suitable Titan’s chemistry is for life — human and otherwise.

History of this topic

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