每日一词∣春耕生产 spring farming
China Daily中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日对全国春季农业生产工作作出重要指示强调,当前,要在严格落实分区分级差异化疫情防控措施的同时,全力组织春耕生产,确保不误农时,保障夏粮丰收。 President Xi Jinping highlighted organizing timely spring farming in an all-out effort to secure a bumper summer grain harvest while rigorously implementing the differentiated epidemic control measures in accordance with local conditions and risk levels. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a recent instruction on spring farming in the country. 2月13日,成都市龙泉驿区洪安镇化工新村村民在地里劳作。(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 一年之计在于春。春播粮食面积占全年的一半以上,夏粮产量超过全年的1/5,夏油产量超过全年2/5。眼下,全国从南到北陆续进入春耕备耕和春季田管时节。 处于新冠肺炎疫情防控关键时期,防疫绝不能松劲,春耕也不可耽搁。各地行动早、准备足,多措并举稳面积、稳产量;多头发力,加强农机保障、农资供应;发挥科技优势,加快新技术集成推广应用……打好春季田管和春耕备耕这场开年关键一战,粮食再夺丰收、农民持续增收就有了坚实基础。 【重要讲话】 要加强高标准农田、农田水利、农业机械化等现代农业基础设施建设,提升农业科技创新水平并加快推广使用,增强粮食生产能力和防灾减灾能力。 In this regard, efforts will be made to optimize modern rural infrastructures including high-yield farmland and water conservancy and agricultural mechanization projects, raise agricultural technological innovation capability and speed up promotion and application, and enhance the capability of grain production and disaster prevention and mitigation. ——2020年2月23日,习近平出席统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议时发表的讲话 【相关词汇】 现代农业基础设施 modern rural infrastructures 脱贫攻坚战 the battle against poverty “三农”问题 issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers