Leaked audio reveals USAF pilot’s shocking close encounter with high-speed UFO over California
1 month ago

Leaked audio reveals USAF pilot’s shocking close encounter with high-speed UFO over California

Live Mint  

A US Air Force pilot on a classified mission reported a shocking UFO encounter while flying over California last September. Leaked air traffic control audio reveals the moment the pilot, identified as "Troy 21," described a mysterious, fast-moving object passing dangerously close to his aircraft. Maybe a football-sized object right under my wing.” The experienced pilot was flying a Beechcraft 350 C at 20,000 feet when he saw the dark gray, cylindrical object. “But it was like a dark gray, cylindrical object, and it passed maybe 10 feet under our right wing.” Minutes later, radar picked up an unidentified object 60 miles away. Later in the leaked recording, another air traffic controller can be heard saying, “There was a UFO reported here, but that’s all taken care of now.” The sighting was reported to the National UFO Reporting Center.

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