How an actor-turned-president found himself leading Ukraine during war
NPRHow an actor-turned-president found himself leading Ukraine during war Enlarge this image toggle caption Sergei Supinsky/AFP via Getty Images Sergei Supinsky/AFP via Getty Images Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has found himself leading a country at war after Russia's invasion started late Wednesday night. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is certainly the greatest challenge Zelenskyy has faced as president to date, but Yaffa said at the beginning of his term the main challenge was navigating the complexities of being a president to a real-life country rather than a TV show that he created. "It was turned out to be much more difficult, or maybe, in fact, Zelenskyy didn't have all the will required to undo the country's system of oligarchs, corruption, favor trading," Yaffa said. But in the meantime, he's watching foreign embassies flee Kyiv, expat workers, investors flee the country," Yaffa said.