Facebook Is a Normal Sleazy Company Now
SlateThe leaders of Facebook can no longer pretend they are special people running a special company. And we know that COO Sheryl Sandberg, in the face of growing scrutiny of the company, was so desperate to repair the leak in the price of Facebook stock that she went into cahoots with a number of suspect figures across American politics—including a right-wing opposition research shop dabbling in the PR dark arts as well as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who ran interference for the company within his party. Over the past three years, Facebook has been outed for abusing the trust of its users, sharing personal data with third parties like Cambridge Analytica, unwittingly hosting Russian-backed propaganda intended to undermine American democracy, amplifying calls for religious and ethnic violence in places like Sri Lanka and Myanmar, and promoting violent authoritarian and nationalist leaders like Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines and Narendra Modi in India. As these stories piled up and public trust eroded, the Times reports, Zuckerberg consistently exempted himself from crucial discussions with the Facebook security team and acted generally baffled that anyone would question his baby. Because of Facebook’s propensity to algorithmically amplify content that generates strong emotions, University of Pennsylvania professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson concludes in her new book Cyberwar that Russian activity in the 2016 election “not only infected the news agenda but also tilted the balance of discourse in battleground states against the Democratic Party nominee.” Warner, one of the few in this drama who comes off as more concerned about the fate of the republic than the prospect of Facebook campaign contributions, has been such a strong and consistent interrogator of Facebook that his party leader, Schumer, felt compelled to defend his old friend Sandberg.