Been single all your life? Study says it could impact your life satisfaction
Hindustan TimesPeople who have been single all their lives might score low on life satisfaction and possess personality traits different from those partnered, such as being less extraverted, less conscientious and less open to new experiences, according to a new research. Impact of singlehood on personality The team found that people who had never been in a serious long-term relationship scored lower on extraversion, openness and life satisfaction as compared to those currently single but having lived with a partner or been married in the past. Single women, however, were found to score higher on life satisfaction as compared to single men while older people tended to be happier with their singlehood than middle-aged people. "There are differences between people who stay single their entire lives and people who get partnered, and for me, this means that we have to take extra care of these people," Stern said.