My Neighbors Insist on Letting Their Screaming Kids Play Right Beneath My Bedroom Window. Well, I Finally Lost It.
3 months, 2 weeks ago

My Neighbors Insist on Letting Their Screaming Kids Play Right Beneath My Bedroom Window. Well, I Finally Lost It.


Slate Plus members get more Care and Feeding every week. They will pile out their plastic toys and let their kids run around screaming bloody murder. I have been friendly and patient and explained where my bedroom was and that even a white noise machine can’t block the sounds when they are less than four feet from my window. My neighbors are “apologetic,” but say it’s just too hot for their kids to be playing on their side, without the shade tree. I understand that you work nights, but details of this conflict aside, it is kind of hard to make a case against letting kids play outdoors during the day.

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