Goa Foundation Files PIL In Bombay High Court Against NGT Constituting Special Benches In Delhi For All 4 Zones
Live LawA PIL before the Goa Bench of the Bombay High Court has challenged two administrative orders issued by National Green Tribunal – special benches were set up in New Delhi for all the four zonal benches in India by the first order, and cases from the Western Zone were assigned to the Central Zone and Northern Zone Benches by the second order. The respondents include the Principal Bench of NGT at New Delhi, Western Zone Bench at Pune, Union Of India through the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, and the State Of Goa. It further argues that ever since the Northern Zone Bench began hearing the matters of the Western Zone Bench – average about two times a week – the number of WZ cases actually heard by the NGT in the time period February 2018 till August 2021 dropped significantly, with approximately 78 % of the matters being adjourned, and only 22 % of the cases being taken up, as per the causelists put up on the website of the NGT. The petition also alleges that the administrative orders are in violation of the judgement of the Bombay High Court in a 2017 case of Goa Foundation vs MoEF & CC & Ors, which established only the sitting Western Zone bench's jurisdiction for all environmental matters arising in Goa.