Tamil Nadu passes resolution seeking Cauvery water as per SC ruling
Hindustan TimesThe Tamil Nadu assembly on Monday passed a unanimous resolution urging the central government to direct Karnataka government to release Cauvery water as per the directions of the Supreme Court. “In order to protect the livelihood of the Cauvery delta farmers, who are the basis for Tamil Nadu’s agriculture, this August House unanimously urges the Union government to direct the Karnataka government to release water to Tamil Nadu as per the direction of the Supreme Court,” read the resolution passed by the assembly, after four BJP MLAs staged a walked out. Reacting to the comments made by EPS, state minister for water resources S Durai Murugan said that holding talks with Karnataka would mean “surrendering the state’s rights,” as the Supreme Court verdict is an outcome of decades of struggle by successive governments in Tamil Nadu. The chief minister said, according to the monthly schedule, from June 1 to October 3, only 46.1 of water was released to Biligundlu, from where the Cauvery water from Karnataka enters Tamil Nadu.