Balaclava-clad neo-Nazis condemned by state's leader after they were pulled off a train on Australia Day with six arrested - as the group's leader ranted at police
1 year, 1 month ago

Balaclava-clad neo-Nazis condemned by state's leader after they were pulled off a train on Australia Day with six arrested - as the group's leader ranted at police

Daily Mail  

NSW Premier Chris Minns has condemned a balaclava-clad neo-Nazi group who were kicked off a train in shocking Australia Day, scenes saying their actions do not represent how Australia Day should be celebrated. SW Premier Chris Minns has condemned a balaclava-clad Neo Nazi group who were pulled from a Sydney train station on Australia Day All passengers were safely evacuated before officers detained the group of men on the train for three hours. The group of more than 70 men were seen brandishing Australian flags and even a riot shield Police detained the men on board the train for around three hours after all the passengers were evacuated safely Police read out a move-on order to the group before Sewell, a convicted criminal, went on a bizarre racist rant after he addressed the heavily armed officers about what the extremist group stood for. Sewell said the group were planning to stage a pro-white rally in the city The group were later led away by police to St Peters Park near North Sydney station where officers read out a move-on order to the group Investigations into yesterday's incident are ongoing and charges are expected to be laid.

History of this topic

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