My Co-Worker Is Battling Stomach Issues—and Making It Our Problem
1 week, 5 days ago

My Co-Worker Is Battling Stomach Issues—and Making It Our Problem


Good Job is Slate’s advice column on work. —Waiting to Inhale Dear Waiting, How much unnecessary suffering have human beings endured because we’re squeamish about butt stuff? He might have lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, or another condition that he could manage but isn’t. When meetings can’t be avoided, you can anoint your upper lip with Vick’s VapoRub, scented Chapstick, or mint oil, like some medical students do when they’re dissecting cadavers. Your gassy co-worker might be embarrassed, but a kind word might encourage him to get screened for whatever is causing his—and your—distress.

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