Kerala High Court Refuses Bail To Two Andhra Pradesh Natives Accused Under UAPA For Spreading Maoist Ideology
Live LawThe Kerala High Court on Tuesday refused to set aside the order of a Special NIA court denying bail to two Andhra Pradesh natives for their alleged involvement in the terrorist organization CPI.The accused persons are alleged to have been involved in radicalizing youth and persuading them to join the terrorist organisation. The Kerala High Court on Tuesday refused to set aside the order of a Special NIA court denying bail to two Andhra Pradesh natives for their alleged involvement in the terrorist organization CPI. A Division Bench of Justice Alexander Thomas and Justice C S Sudha denied bail to the accused persons noting that the offences alleged against them are of a ‘grave and serious’ nature: “Since there are materials to show that A-5 & A-6 have been actively involved in the above terrorist organization and that too, located in various States, there is serious likelihood of both of them absconding or fleeing away from the long arm of the law, in case they are released on bail” The NIA had registered an FIR against the accused persons for offences punishable under Secs.18, 18A, 18B, 20, 38 & 39 of the UAPA and Sec. The court also observed that the alleged actions of the accused persons meeting with villagers and causing them to believe that Maoists would address their issues would also be considered as offences that fall under sub-clauses of either clause of Section 39 or clause of Section 39 of the UAPA.