Moody’s Cuts India’s Growth Forecast to 5.8% from 6.2% for FY20
The Quint"While we expect a moderate pick-up in real GDP growth and inflation over the next two years supported by monetary and fiscal stimulus, we have revised down our projections for both. Moody's expected a 0.4 percentage point slippage in the fiscal deficit target of the government to 3.7 percent of the GDP in the current fiscal due to the corporate tax cut and lower nominal GDP growth. "A prolonged period of slower nominal GDP growth not only constrains the scope for fiscal consolidation but also keeps the government debt burden higher for longer compared with our previous expectations," it said. It, however, saw "low probability" of a significant and rapid deterioration in fiscal strength, India's main credit constraint, given the resilience to financing shocks offered by the composition of government debt.