Coalition reaches deal on child refugees, agrees to abolish amnesty
Dutch NewsThe four coalition parties have reached agreement on giving residency rights to some 630 well-rooted child refugees and will abolish the amnesty after their cases have been solved. GroenLinks MP Bram van Oijk described the deal as ‘miserly horse trading.’ Questions Defence for Children, which campaigns for child rights, welcomed the new agreement but said many questions remain unanswered. ‘But it all sounds very positive and if you see the stress these children are going through, they deserve it.’ The Dutch refugee organisation Vluchtelingenwerk and the UN’s refugee agency UNHCR Nederland both said they were pleased that the problem of well-rooted children had been solved. However, it is a ‘real pity’ that this has been offset against a reduction in the number of refugees admitted through the UN settlement scheme, UN Nederland chief Luke Korlaar said on Twitter.