CDC Issues New Recommendations On Face Coverings
NPRCDC Issues New Recommendations On Face Coverings The CDC says fully vaccinated people don't need to wear masks in most outdoor settings. STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: The CDC announced yesterday that if you are fully vaccinated, you may take off your mask in many outdoor settings. Well, there are a bunch of activities and settings where the agency says it's OK to go without wearing a mask if you've been fully vaccinated, including dining at an outdoor restaurant, attending outdoor gatherings, even if there are people who are unvaccinated there, and exercising outdoors. I should point out that the risk of the virus spreading outdoors is so low, Steve, that the CDC says it's even OK for people who are not yet vaccinated to be unmasked when they're exercising outdoors, say, walking, hiking, biking, as long as you're not doing this with crowds of people.