Bengaluru south east division police launch ‘Cyber Victim’s Day’ to raise awareness
The HinduA woman who lost money to a cyber fraud not only lost ₹5 lakh of her savings but also the borrowed amount of ₹10 lakh from her friend and another ₹30 lakh loan from a finance company. In an effort to help the victims of cybercrimes and provide a platform to air their grievances, the south east division of Bengaluru police launched ‘Cyber Victim’s Day’ on Thursday. Over 2000 cases have been registered related to cyber crimes in the last eight months, and over ₹100 crores have been looted in the south-east division alone. According to rough estimates, over 15,000 cases related to cybercrime have been registered and money worth several hundred crores lost in all the divisions across the city. During the launch of the programme held at the DCP’s office, around 100 people attended comprising victims, their family members, and police officials.