How To Take Better iPhone Night Photos
Huff PostLordHenriVoton via Getty Images Imagine you’re driving through a beautiful cityscape with a skyline or visiting natural landscapes where wonders like the Northern Lights and Milky Way are visible. Remember to turn on Night mode, a feature available on iPhone 11 and later models, and to adjust its settings like exposure time and speed. According to Kim, to avoid grainy photos of yourself in surroundings that are especially dark, you can use illuminating light objects like battery powered string lights positioned near your subject’s face, or surrounding areas like storefront or neon signs. Plus, it works great for night photography because the live photo feature also doubles as a long exposure technique to create effects like light trails or to get a beautiful glowing effect from city lights. In addition to the editing functions in your iPhone’s Photos app, secondary apps such as Adobe Lightroom, VSCO and Snapseed can adjust the brightness, contrast and saturation to make your night photos pop.