Baja SAE India 2022 dates announced, 15th edition to start this month
India TodaySAE India announced the commencement of the 15th edition of the much-awaited Baja SAE India series. Approximately 214 entries from the Engineering colleges in India were received for Baja SAE India 2022, out of which 138 teams are registered for conventional m-BAJA, and 76 teams are registered for the e-Baja event. Baja SAE India tasks the students to conceptualize design, build, test & validate a single-seater four-wheeled All-Terrain Vehicle to take part in a series of events, being conducted in three phases this year, giving the teams an opportunity to participate virtually in phase-1 & 2 or physically in phase-3 or both. The Baja SAE India 2022 edition will be held on a digital platform involving static as well as dynamic events, considering the health concerns of all stakeholders involved. To promote diversity amongst the teams, Baja SAE India has allowed the team who has reached the 25 member limit, to add five more girl team members without any additional amount in the registration fee to promote gender diversity.