‘All in same canoe’: What’s it like being young on a sinking small island?
1 year, 3 months ago

‘All in same canoe’: What’s it like being young on a sinking small island?

Al Jazeera  

When it comes to climate change, the low-lying Marshall Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean are as front line as it gets. Litokne Kabua, a 20-year-old student from the island of Ebeye, has watched his world changing since he was a young boy, the seasons bending into unpredictable shapes, bringing drought, cyclones and tidal surges. Al Jazeera: Tell us about life on the Marshall Islands Litokne Kabua: We’re an island paradise, 10 percent land and 90 percent ocean. Litokne Kabua: I started working with local schools, raising awareness among young people about climate change and organising island and ocean clean-ups. Al Jazeera: Tell us more about your international work Litokne Kabua: The Marshallese have a saying, “Wa kuk wa jimor”, simply meaning we are all in the same canoe.

History of this topic

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