My Toddler Tested Positive For COVID On The Same Day As Pfizer's Latest Announcement
Huff PostVioletaStoimenova via Getty Images On Feb. 1, I woke up a bit excited. My son — who I’ve done my best to protect from a coronavirus that has caused the deaths of 5.7 million people worldwide — was now yet another confirmed case of COVID. Like pretty much every other parent I knew, hearing from well-meaning family and friends who wanted to meet the new baby that “most kids don’t get very sick” was not even remotely comforting. As I frequently said to my husband, “Even if the chances are one in a million, if my son is the one in a million that dies, it won’t matter that other kids are fine.” The decision to put our son in day care — which was necessary as two working parents with demanding jobs — worried me. Tired of not being able to leave the house, tired of not getting enough sleep, tired of paying extra for grocery delivery, tired of cooking every single damn day, tired of not being able to see friends and family much, tired of wearing masks even though we know it’s the right thing to do, tired of worrying and worrying and worrying some more.