Taj Trapezium Zone- No Industrial Units Shall Be Cleared By UP Govt. Till Sectorial Guidelines Are Obtained from NEERI: SC Clarifies Previous Order
3 years, 2 months ago

Taj Trapezium Zone- No Industrial Units Shall Be Cleared By UP Govt. Till Sectorial Guidelines Are Obtained from NEERI: SC Clarifies Previous Order

Live Law  

The Supreme Court has further clarified its December, 2019 order by which it lifted the status quo as regards construction, industrial activities and felling of trees in the Taj Trapezium Zone, in so far as the order required concurrence with the Central Empowerment Committee and opinion of NEERI. "In respect of the clarification of the Order dated 06.12.2019 pertaining to the concurrence with the Central Empowered Committee and opinion of NEERI as mentioned in paras 8 and 9 of the Order, learned Amicus Curiae in consultation with Ms. Aishwarya Bhati, learned Additional Solicitor General appearing for the State of Uttar Pradesh submitted a note", recorded the bench. Permission to state of UP for felling of 1803 trees for widening of Mathura-Deeng Road in TTZ Area; Committee on the method of evaluation for the loss of trees to submit report in 4 weeks, Court to determine payment for trees felled thereafter The bench also granted permission to the state of UP to fell 1803 trees for the purpose of widening of the Mathura-Deeng Road, which falls in the TTZ Area. The bench was hearing an application filed by the state of UP for permission to fell 2940 trees for the purpose of widening of the Mathura-Deeng Road, which falls in the TTZ Area. The bench noted that the CEC has recommended acceptance of the proposal made by the state subject to the following conditions : i) Clearance under the Forest Act, 1980 will be obtained for the diversion of 22.8406 Ha of protected forest and felling of 2940 tress standing on that land; ii) The felling of trees along the Mathura – Deeng Road to the Rajasthan border shall be restricted to the bare minimum and which is absolutely unavoidable; Compensatory plantation of minimum 30000 trees of indigenous species in lieu of 2940 trees being felled would be undertaken by the Regional Director, Social Forestry, Agra at the cost of the Applicant on the 30.067 Ha of non- forest land allotted and earmarked for this purpose in Village Madaur, Tehsil Mahavan District Mathura falling within TTZ area; iv) The 30.067 Ha of Compensatory afforestation land shall be chain link fenced on a two feet high footwall and shall be handed over to the Forest Department of Uttar Pradesh for raising compensatory plantation; v) The cost of the compensatory afforestation as assessed by the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department at present day cost will be deposited in a saving bank account in a nationalized bank for implementation of the compensatory afforestation scheme; vi) Permission for felling of trees will be granted by the State Forest Department only after taking clearance under FC, Act 1980 and the funds required for compensatory afforestation are deposited with the Forest Department; vii) The Chairman, Taj Trapezium Zone will take all necessary measure to ensure that no felling of trees takes place within the area falling in TTZ without first obtaining permission of this Hon'ble Court; and viii) The Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change will monitor the implementation of compensatory planting activity.

History of this topic

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