Amid polls, drought eats away at North Karnataka’s vitals
Deccan ChroniclePolls come and go and politicos keep the big bright dream alive with their never ending promises but the droughts never cease in North Karnataka. Though the government has implemented a multi-village drinking water project to supply water to nearly 350 villages from Tungabhadra and Malaprabha rivers, many people in rural areas are struggling to get drinking water. Officials have released 2 tmc water from Hidkal and Malaprabha reservoir into Ghataprabha river but people contend that it can meet drinking water needs for only 15 days. Distraught farmers are looking to Maharashtra for urgent release of Krishna river water from Koyna dam to cater to drinking water needs. “What is surprising is that the drinking water problem crops up every year in North Karnataka but elected representatives are holding talks with the state government on the release of water from Koyna dam at the end of the summer season as they were busy in election campaigns.