We should be looking forward to a 90-hour work schedule—per month
Live MintIs Thursday becoming the new Friday in Britain? In his 1930 article, ‘Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren,’ John Maynard Keynes made some fascinating forecasts concerning social life and economic conditions one hundred years later, or around 2030. Following in the footsteps of many eminent intellectuals, Keynes has forecast a century of enormous income growth and an unparalleled period of leisure brought about by improved standards of living, during which time people would work “three hour shifts or a fifteen hour week." It’s based on an experiment at his own company, Perpetual Guardian, a trust corporation in New Zealand, which gave workers an additional day off each week with full pay and no additional work hours on their four working days. With the aid of technological advancements and educational system reform, Ma said, people may work as little as three days a week, four hours a day, in the next 10 to 20 years.