Column: Did the budget deal close a Social Security ‘loophole,’ or harm poor women?
LA TimesBut who got left behind? Leaving aside that this figure spans 75 years, meaning it probably averages out to less than one or two tenths of a percent of Social Security’s projected benefit payments over that time, the main change has been a purported closing of a “loophole” that allowed some couples to claim more than their share of benefits. “This is a moment when advocates should pivot to how Social Security affects low-income people,” Hartmann said, though she doesn’t sound too optimistic that will happen. Before 2000, Social Security calculated whether a claimant’s individual or spousal benefit was higher, and paid that; the Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act allowed individuals to choose which benefit to receive. In Hartmann’s view, file-and-suspend has allowed lower-income women and couples to bring their Social Security benefits up to a reasonable level.
History of this topic

Hiltzik: Social Security is in Trump's crosshairs
LA Times
Biden signs 'first Social Security expansion in decades' as GOP eyes cuts
Raw Story
Millions of public workers are set to get higher Social Security benefits. Here's why
Millions to Get Bigger Social Security Checks If Biden Signs New Bill
Live Mint
Letters to the Editor: Social Security can be fixed easily, but it would upset the rich
LA Times
Experts: Analysis shows Trump proposal would "dramatically worsen Social Security’s finances"
Congress has just over a decade to fix Social Security before cash runs out
Daily Mail
Money Talk with Liz Weston: A sticky inheritance scenario
LA Times
Millennial Money: Navigating the SSI ‘marriage penalty’
The Independent
Column: An exhaustive debunking of the dumbest myths about Social Security
LA Times
Social Security Doesn’t Make Sense Anymore
The Social Security cost-of-living adjustment is coming -- but it won’t be as big as this year’s
Associated Press
Column: Social Security is perfectly healthy, but there’s one easy way to improve it
LA Times
8.7% hike to Social Security checks won't cut it, some fear
The Independent
Column: With a noxious family leave proposal, GOP pretends it’s still pro-women despite antiabortion laws
LA Times
Column: Social Security trustees say the U.S. is rich enough to expand, not shrink, benefits
LA Times
Liz Weston: Don’t let Social Security steer you wrong
The Independent
Column: Republicans seek to exploit COVID-19 crisis to cut Social Security benefits
LA Times
Column: Elizabeth Warren offers a Social Security reform plan that checks a lot of boxes
LA Times
Column: The Republican proposal for paid family leave is a sham that would wreck your retirement
LA Times
Column: Trump’s budget would eviscerate the social safety net but provide welfare for the rich
LA Times
Women in their own words: Why we’re not working
LA Times
What People Over 50 Aren't Hearing In All This Election Noise
Huff Post
Social Security Still Isn’t Broke, New Report Confirms
Huff Post
Column: Yes, Social Security is unfair, especially to women. But can it be fixed?
LA Times
Social Security Advocates Shrug At Budget Deal
Huff Post
Social security's most media-friendly foe
Let’s beef up Social Security benefits instead of cutting them
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