Tired of swiping? ‘Pitch dating’ is the new way to find love. What is it?
FirstpostWith online dating starting to feel more like a chore than a chance at romance, many dating app users are now embracing a new, quirky trend known as pitch dating. They make the best case for you, but in front of a ’live’ audience, one PPT at a time According to Pitch-a-Friend’s website, the event is designed to “celebrate friendship by allowing friends to give short slide presentations about their remarkable single friends to a lively audience of available singles.” Image for Representation. With endless profiles, mixed signals, and the constant fear of deception, many singles feel lost in the digital dating world—almost as if they’re disposable. According to Pitch-a-Friend’s website, the event is designed to “celebrate friendship by allowing friends to give short slide presentations about their remarkable single friends to a lively audience of available singles.” Mahima, a finance professional, was introduced at one such event by two friends. She highlighted some of his quirks—“crashing his mates’ dates,” “explaining his Sri Lankan origins,” and “driving, but no eating in the car.” In Pitch Dating, Instead of a single person introducing themselves, a close friend takes the stage and delivers a playful, PowerPoint-style pitch highlighting their best qualities.
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