Trump to remove migrants who cross U.S.-Mexico border illegally, due to coronavirus
The HinduU.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday his administration will use a health-focused statute to swiftly remove migrants or asylum seekers who cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally as part of efforts to stem the spread of the coronavirus. During a White House news conference, Mr. Trump confirmed he would invoke a statute allowing the surgeon general, the United States’ top public health official, to block people or goods from certain countries or places to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Mr. Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on March 18 that their countries would close their border to “non-essential traffic.” The Mexican foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Experts grappled with how the Trump administration might use the health-related statute to push migrants crossing illegally and asylum seekers back to Mexico.