Samajwadi Party to field Brahmin candidate against Yogi Adityanath?
India TodayIn an attempt to set up a massive face-off in the upcoming Uttar Pradesh elections, the Samajwadi Party is likely to field a Brahmin candidate against Bharatiya Janata Party's Yogi Adityanath from his home turf, the Gorakhpur urban seat. The opposition claims Thakurs are preferred, while Brahmins are upset with the ruling Yogi government and fielding a Brahmin candidate against the CM himself at this time could prove a master move by Akhilesh Yadav. Gorakhpur urban seat, despite being a saffron party stronghold, has already made headlines after Azad Samaj Party founder and Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad was finalized to contest against incumbent CM Yogi Adityanath. As per the Samajwadi Party sources, Subhavati Shukla, wife of late Upendra Dutt Shukla, who was BJP's state vice-president, is likely to fight against CM Yogi with her being a Brahmin face while the latter being a Thakur face.