Sweeteners are NOT healthier than sugar
Daily MailArtificial sweeteners are no healthier than real sugar and may even be harmful, a study has claimed. A review of 56 studies on sweeteners found no significant differences in people's weight, blood sugar or oral health when compared with people who eat sugar. 'Non-sugar sweeteners remain far better than sugar sweetened beverages given lack of calories in the former, and the well-known harms of the latter including in particular on dental health.' In a BMJ editorial alongside the study, Harvard University's Vasanti Malik maintained sweeteners could be healthier than sugar when it comes to soft drinks. She said: 'Based on existing evidence, use of non-sugar sweeteners as a replacement for free sugars, particularly in sugar sweetened drinks, could be a helpful strategy to reduce cardiometabolic risk among heavy consumers, with the ultimate goal of switching to water or other healthy drinks.