Bushfire-affected Victorian communities push for permanent firebreak along Princes Highway
ABCFire-affected communities in eastern Victoria are calling for a permanent firebreak running 170 kilometres along both sides of the Princes Highway to the New South Wales border. Key points: Business chamber calls for 30-metre clearance along some sections of the highway Local MP Darren Chester says keeping the highway open means saving jobs and keeping communities connected An environmental campaigner says a 30-metre roadside fire break is overzealous. "It's been talked about for the last 10 years — every time the highway gets closed by storms or fire, people say something has got to be done differently because there are no diversions along that section of the highway," Mr Squires said. "I agree, a strategic firebreak along the Princes Highway would make it safer for locals but also safer for fire crews during the summer months," local Federal Nationals MP Darren Chester said.