How To Deal If Everyone's Coronavirus Anxiety Is Piling Onto Yours
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING A few weeks into the coronavirus pandemic, the rules for social distancing have been pretty clearly established: stay inside as much as you can, and if you must venture out for essential services, keep a safe distance of six feet between yourself and others. “This increased social connection is amazing because it’s validating and distracting and often uplifting,” said Jenna L. Schleien, a psychologist practicing in Brooklyn. “However, spending a huge part of each day listening to others’ fear and anxiety can take a toll on our mental health.” You don’t have to sacrifice your conversations to fix this. I want to hear you but I feel like that’s what I can handle right now.” “If the wish for boundaries is expressed clearly and with kindness, it’s usually appreciated and respected,” Schleien said. “Engaging in self-care together can be a way to support each other and be there for each other without always having to talk through it.” Even if you’re not in the same room with each other, you could play an online game, watch a movie together through Netflix Party, or put on face masks and have a dance party over Zoom.